Well… This is a bit awkward… I haven’t posted in awhile… It’s not like I forgot about you… It’s not like you’re not important to me… It’s just things have been stressful-overwhelming-blissful-busy these last few months… Let’s go ahead and lean on a cliche, and let the picture have its 1,000 words…
Yep, my daughter Penelope Clementine Kerschbaum was born on 10/29/10. And yes, she is beautiful. Please excuse my absence from updating Thirsty Ocean, but I’m sure you understand. However, that’s not the only birth in my recent past (but it is the most important). I also gave birth this tome:
For those who don’t know, I have an alternative existence as Client Services Director for the most awesome Clix Marketing. Also, I’m an SEM author for a number of publications including Search Engine Watch, Website Magazine, and the Clix Marketing Blog. However, the most recent MAJOR undertaking was writing Pay-Per-Click Marketing: An Hour a Day for Wiley/Sybex. When I say tome, I mean 400+ pages. Yeah, it’s huge. I co-wrote the book with PPC God (and my neat-o boss, David Szetela). Wanna learn about my non-poetic endeavors? Check out the Wiley/Sybex website! For the PPC book, I’ll be doing more nation-wide speaking engagements, seminars, and webinars. Let the good times roll!
So, as you can see… It’s not that things haven’t been happening and there hasn’t been much to say here… There has been TOO MUCH happening to post…
NOW, on to the poetic adventures. There are ALWAYS projects in the works, but if you know me – I don’t like to talk about anything forthcoming until all of the details have been nailed down. Let’s just say there are numerous gears turning and soon the lumbering locomotion will begin to churn and move. 2011 is gonna be a great year! The first few gigs have been posted in the Readings/Gigs section of the site.
OK, that’s all for now. Just wanted let you know that I haven’t forgotten about you, Thirsy Ocean. Far from it.
I promise, more updates more frequently. And just to sum things up, here is another pic of Penny and my beautiful wife, Valerie: